Sunday, March 02, 2008

Inspiration, Friendship and Making a Difference

I received a letter last week. Well, I should say that Lindsey and Sydney received a letter. It was from one of their Primary nurses when they were in the NICU. This letter made me cry. I know that it will mean a great deal to Lindsey and Sydney someday.

Our nurse, L, is very special to us; to me. We became close during our time in the NICU. I really can't tell you how much she meant and still means to me and my family. I know she cares for these babies like they are her own, loves them and advocates for them. We were very fortunate with the primaries that we had.

We stay in contact with L and get together, not as often as we like, but that's what happens when everyone has a life! But back to the letter...I emailed L and asked if I could share some of her letter on my blog. She said yes, so that's what I'd like to do. There were many words and phrases that touched me, showed me again what a wonderful and inspiring person she is...and why I'm grateful that she's in our lives.

At the top of her letter, one of my favorite quotes:

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt within the heart." ~ Helen Keller
Her letter begins (and remember this is to Lindsey & Sydney):

Some of you I have not been in touch with for years and some maybe yesterday. I am writing this note as I approach my 30th birthday. In almost 30 years, it's amazing all of the people that come and go in our lives. However, there are many people who have influenced my life and contributed to the woman I am today. You are on of "the thirty" that I am writing to for this purpose. In a small way or perhaps a big way, you have shaped me into the woman I have become and inspire me to continue to be in an even better way.
Later in her letter, she speaks from the heart about her job as a NICU nurse:

After seven years of doing this 'baby business' for work, I can say that I truly LOVE taking care of sick babies and their families. I have even grown to love taking care of the dying. It's made me grow far more than I ever knew was possible, far more than I expected a little preemie could do to me, or anyone for that matter. They touch my heart in so many ways each day and make me look at life from a different view...the fragileness of life at any moment, the 'real' things in life that make you laugh and cry; faith in God; the importance of family and friends that are your true support; the hard times that are in your life for a reason, far beyond what you can see; the blessing of an unconditional Lord; lots of love in your life...
Then, she ends:

At age 30 (or almost 30), I can truly say I have come so far and really found (or at least am in the process of finding) who I am as a woman, God's child, a wife, a daughter, a coworker, a nurse, a designer, a friend. I attribute all of this to God and to each of you. With God's help, each of you have formed me into who I am today, at this moment. You've loved me, taught me, inspired me, raised me, prayed for me or even helped me at my worst, having faith in me. Each of you have been in my life for a long time or for a very brief time or literally 'very little', but have taught me about life in an immeasurable way. For this I thank you. I am truly blessed. With gratitude and love, L.

All I have to say is that we are blessed to know you, L. Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts, for your love, care and concern for our daughters, for your inspiration and friendship and for making a difference in their life. I know they will cherish being one of the thirty.

With L, on Discharge Day (1/29/03)


Did you have a NICU nurse that made a difference? Please, share your story with me, either in the comments, email or post on your blog and tell me about it!


Angi said...

What an amazing letter. How lucky of your girls to be such an important part in her life...all the while, SHE was so important to them too.

Such a sweet story :)

Tanya Breese said...

Oh now you have me crying Kim! What a special person L is :)

Kim Sjoquist said...

How great is that. What a great story!

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